Sales Rep Insight
Sales Rep Insight is a powerful SaaS-based subscription customer management platform for sales rep as well as sales managers that consolidates hard-to-combine data throughout your organization with powerful multi-dimensional analysis and visualization to create analytics represented through a variety of charts, tables and reports, bringing your sales reps CLOSER to your customers. The platform pulls together data from various data stores throughout your organization allowing your sales managers and reps to manage territories and have important data about each account at their fingertips. Internal Staff could access the application on the web and the sales team can access the app on their IPad.
- Sales Teams
will have access to all the information about their accounts at their fingertips. Data from the fulfillment system, disparate spreadsheets will all be accessible in one highly functional user interface on a very scalable platform by allowing them to more closely manage their accounts. - Customers
will experience an improved level of customer service, resulting in improved retention rates. - Sales Management
will have access to sales reports and be able to more effectively work with sales teams to drive sales. - C-Suite
personal will be able to get a real time view of sales progress and effectiveness.
Product Features
The user application is both simple and powerful. By using Insight Intelligence engine, users are able to create charts and dashboards with ease. Collaboration and sharing insightful content is a click away. The platform is accessible on the web as a cloud application as well as on their IPad.
Search and Detailed Displays
Reps can tap into a powerful and fast search to get fingertip access to their account’s information. Click a button to set filters to provide focus and select fields you wish to report on.
All of the options are exposed to the rep in a clear and understandable way. If a user wants to measure counts or dollars or whatever, it is just a click away as all the information about the customer from usage data, what they spend, and their revenue all comes together in one application. The rep can also use the information to mine the data for leads in their territory.

Filters to Refine Scope
Filters are so easy to set. When clicked, the filter options opens a new window drop down allowing the user to search for whatever they want or just click on the items they wish to include.
The rep has complete control to select complex search terms with the great “type ahead” feature. The user always knows what they have selected and their remaining options. The app allows the sales rep to manage their territories minimizing overall sales support.
The filters are completely customizable so you can create fields and filters that are aligned with your business requirements. A rep can get a quick visual of their accounts within their territory.
The rep can also use the information to mine the data for leads in their territory.
Chart Creation
With Sales Rep Insight – the sales reps quickly get a timely snapshot of important, consolidated data giving them a complete view of their accounts. They can also share the information with management as well as other representatives. The representatives and management can also run comparisons among customers to mine data for sales leads and opportunities putting the power to drive sales in the hands of the sales team.

Technology You Can Count On
Sales Rep Insight is powered by the world class Insight Intelligence Engine. This engine can intake data from ANY raw source—from log files, customer files, and billing databases to CRM data—and normalize, tag and organize this typically hard-to-combine data in new and unique ways. The Intelligence Engine then ports this information, in real-time, into the SaaS-based Insight platform— providing multi-dimensional analysis, visualization, charting and deep analytics that makes Insight valuable to subscription businesses.

The cloud based big data technology architecture enables access to information that is fault tolerant, flexible and scalable. Using server clusters and scalable search tools, the application is very responsive and facilitates data discovery at the speed of thought. Access to data can be shared with other enterprise applications through the standard REST API while charts and dashboards can be shared in native form via JavaScript APIs. The architecture scales up from tens of millions to hundreds of millions of records.
About Advanced Insight
Advanced Insight, a SaaS-based business intelligence technology platform,which helps companies achieve greater profitability and revenue by unlocking hidden insight within data and information assets. The inSight technology leverages typically hard-to-combine data including log files, customer files, billing databases and CRM data to deliver unique multi-dimensional analysis and visualization for its customers. The company offers five real-time solutions: Enterprise Insight360, Sales Rep Insight, Prospecting Insight, Search Insight and Audience Insight.